Tuesday, May 29, 2012

 Inquary vol 3 no 1 2010.pdf

Personal determinant of resistance to change di Perusahaan

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui variabel dari aspek personal yang mampu mempengaruhi resistance to change. Aspek-aspek personal yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah kepribadian proaktif, kecerdasan emosi dan adversity. Penelitian dilakukan pada perusahaan yang memiliki tuntutan lingkungan tinggi, sehingga mengharuskan perusahaan untuk memiliki irama perubahan kerja yang tinggi. Setelah dianalisis, dari tiga aspek personal tersebut, variabel kepribadian proaktif tidak terbukti beperngaruh dengan signifikan pada resistance to change. Dua variabel lainnya yaitu kecerdasan emosi dan adversity, mempengaruhi resistance to change. Pengaruh yang diberikan dua aspek variabel tersebut adalah pengaruh negatif. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa kecerdasan emosi dan adversity mampu mengurangi resistance to change yang dialami oleh karyawan.

Purpose of this research was to understanding effect of personal determinants to resistance to change. Personal determinants that involved in this research were proactive personality, emotional intelligence and adversity intelligence. This research was conduct at the corporate that had strong demanding to their employees. Based on the analysis, the result were proved that proactive personality did not have direct effect to resistance to change. But two others personal determinant (emotional and adversity intelligence) show the negative direct effect to resistance to change. It’s mean that employees who have emotional and adversity intelligence could handle the change without feel resisted.

Kata kunci: resistance to change, kepribadian proaktif, kecerdasan emosi, kecerdasan adversity.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Equilibrium, vol 8 no 1 April 2010.pdf

Faktor-fator inndividu yang mempengaruhi kinerja akademik (studi pada mahasiswa paramadina angkatan 2008)


artikel di Jurnal Ekonomi Madani


Ayu Dwi Nindyati
Prima Naomi


This research aimed at analyzing differences between lecturer resistance to change and administration staff resistance to change. The problems came up from the organizational change phenomenon. The resistance to change was known as individual responses to organizational change phenomenon. Subject of this research are lecturer and administration staff in one of private university in Jakarta. Resistance to change was measured by a questionnaire and analyzed by using The Mann Whitney U-test, a non parametric statistic approach. The result of this analysis showed that there was a significance difference between lecturer resistance to change and administration staff resistance to change.

Key words: organizational change,  resistance to change, lecturer and administration staff.
